
Set up in 1980, this structure composed of engineers and experts produces studies that are recognised on the nationals and European levels.

Listened to and respected for the rigour of its work, Observ’ER is a dynamic actor at the interface of questions dealing with energy, the environment and development. In this way it plays an advisory role for public authorities and decision-makers, and takes an active part in major contemporary energy debates.

Its main action themes are to quantify and qualify the progress made by renewable energies in France and Europe. For more than 20 years, Observ’ER has been carrying out an assessment of the solar thermal sector in France, as well as monitoring sales of renewable energy equipment for private individuals (domestic wood-fired heating appliances, heat pumps, solar thermal and photovoltaic systems). The Observatory also produces an annual barometer of renewable electrical energy in partnership with the ADEME (the French Environment and Energy Management Agency) and the FNCCR (the French federation of local authorities). In addition, as part of its publishing activity, Observ’ER reports on the latest developments in the sector through three magazines: The Journal des énergies renouvelables, the Journal de l’éolien and the Journal du photovoltaïque. Finally, Observ’ER has been leader of the EurObserv’ER consortium since the programme was created in 1999.