EurObserv’ER has been gathering data on the European Union’s renewable energy sources for seventeen years for its themebased barometer reports on the state of the sectors and their momentum. The first part of this work is a summary of the barometers published in 2016 for the wind energy, solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, heat pump, biofuel and solid biomass sectors. The data drawn from these barometers has been updated and supplemented by data on the sectors for which no individual barometers were published – small hydropower, biogas, geothermal energy, concentrated solar power, household refuse incineration and renewable marine energy sources.
Hence this publication offers a comprehensive energy dimension review of the twelve renewable sectors that are now developed in the European Union on an industrial scale. It also gives for the first time a view of the share of RES heating and cooling in the building stock.
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Methodology papers related to the 16th annual barometer
Main findings of the 16th overview barometer