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22nd annual overview barometer

Webinar - 22nd annual overview barometer

EurObserv’ER – Webinar
22nd Annual Overview Barometer

Join us to discover the significant advancements and current challenges of renewable energies in Europe, showcased in the 22nd annual report on this critical topic. This webinar highlights the work of our experts who have analyzed trends, investments, and the socio-economic impact of renewable energies across the continent.


  • Uta Zähringer: Moderator, head of the Department of Academic Programs at Renewables Academy, Berlin.
  • Diane Lesco: Team leader at Observ-er, presented a general overview of the Observer project, which started in 1999.
  • Frederic Tuillé: Discussed energy indicators, highlighting challenges and progress in installed capacity and energy production.
  • Julia Panny: Researcher at Fraunhofer ISI, presented indicators on renewable energy sources in buildings, focusing on heating and cooling as well as on the self-consumption of photovoltaic installations.
  • Lin Zheng:  Fraunhofer ISI, Addressed investment indicators, noting a significant increase in investments in photovoltaics compared to wind power.
  • Floris Uleman: From TNO Energy Transition, discussed the costs of renewable energies and their competitiveness, as well as the impact on employment and the savings achieved through the reduction of fossil fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions.

The webinar presented the key results on:

  • Energy indicators (installed RES in EU-27, RES in buildings)
  • Socio-economic indicators (jobs and turnover gross added value)
  • Investment indicators
  • Renewable energy costs and energy prices
  • Avoided fossil fuel use and resulting avoided costs and GHG emissions
  • Indicators on innovation, competitiveness, and international trade

Join this enlightening session to better understand how Europe is moving towards a more sustainable future through renewable energy.

The recording is already up on our YouTube channel

EurObserv’ER has been gathering information and data on renewable energy sources in the EU for more than twenty years to describe the state and development of the sectors in themed barometers. The first part of this opus is a summary per RES sector, communicating the main tendencies in each sector for the years 2021 and 2022.

The following chapters supply socioeconomic indicators on employment and turnover, investment costs, avoided fossil fuel use and resulting avoided expenses and GHG emissions thanks to the development of the RES sectors. They also provide for an insight on EU competitiveness and innovation capability regarding renewable energy technologies.

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21st annual overview barometer

In 2021, renewable energies covered 21.8% of gross final energy consumption in the EU-27. The target set in the 2008 climate and energy package has thus been exceeded and we can only welcome this at a time when it is fashionable to cast doubt on the benefits of European integration.

This is all the more valid because in doing so, Europe has proved that it can come up with initiatives and coordination in a field, that of energy, despite being under the Member States’ remit.


20th annual overview barometer

EurObserv’ER has been gathering information and data on renewable energy sources in the EU for more than twenty years to describe the state and development of the sectors in themed barometers. The first part of this opus is a summary per RES sector, communicating the main tendencies in each sector and the official Eurostat figures from Eurostat database available on the 25 January 2022 download.

The following chapters supply socioeconomic indicators on employment and turnover, investment costs, avoided fossil fuel use and resulting avoided expenses and GHG emissions thanks to the development of the RES sectors. They also provide for an insight on EU competitiveness and innovation capability regarding renewable energy technologies.


19th annual overview barometer

EurObserv’ER has been gathering data on European Union renewable energy sources for twenty years to describe the state and development of the sectors in themed barometers. The first part of this opus is a summary of the barometers released in 2019 for the wind energy, solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, CSP, biofuel, ocean energies and solid biomass sectors. The summaries have provided the opportunity to consolidate all the energy indicators with the official (consolidated) 2017 and 2018 data.


18th annual overview barometer

EurObserv’ER has been gathering data on the European Union’s renewable energy sources for eighteen years for its themebased barometer reports on the state of the sectors and their momentum. The first part of this work is a summary of the barometers published in 2017 for the wind energy, solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, biofuel, biogas and solid biomass sectors.


17th annual overview barometer

EurObserv’ER has been gathering data on the European Union’s renewable energy sources for eighteen years for its themebased barometer reports on the state of the sectors and their momentum. The first part of this work is a summary of the barometers published in 2017 for the wind energy, solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, biofuel, biogas and solid biomass sectors.

The energy indicators drawn from these barometers have been updated with SHARES data from 26th January and supplemented by data on the sectors for which no individual barometers were published – small hydropower, heat pumps, geothermal energy, concentrated solar power, household refuse incineration and renewable marine energy sources. Continue reading 17th annual overview barometer

Photovoltaik Barometer 2017

2017_Baro_PV_tableaux_DE_final-1100 935 MWp in der Europäischen Union Ende 2016
Der globale Solarenergiemarkt entwickelt sich rasant – angetrieben von der enormen Nachfrage auf den asiatischen und amerikanischen Märkten. 2016 knackte der globale Photovoltaik-Markt die 76-GW-Marke und erreichte einen maximalen Zuwachs von 50 %. Der europäische Markt hingegen scheint sich festgefahren zu haben. Die dort zugebaute Leistung betrug 2016 lediglich 6,1 GW und lag damit unter den 7,9 GW des Vorjahres. Um den Marktanteil von Strom aus erneuerbaren Quellen in Zukunft zu vergrößern, werden die gesetzlichen Rahmenbedingungen des Sektors derzeit überarbeitet.


EurObserv’ER Bridging Report

EurObservER-Bridging-Report-2014Bridging the gap between member states’ progress reports of 2013 and 2015

Access to early information on RES growth in the EU 28 country members is the core aim of the EurObserv’ER barometers since their creation in 1999. Nowadays, among the indicators and information available and useful on the RES topic, the evolution of their share in gross final energy consumption is relevant for stakeholders, policymakers, industrialists, journalists or even simple European citizens.

On line with legal requirements under Directive 2009/28/EC on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (known as the Renewable Energy Directive (RED)) (6), the European Commission (EC) formally assesses the EU’s and Member States’ progress in the promotion and use of renewable energy towards the 2020 RES targets. The EC publishes its assessments every two years, in the form of a Communication on ‘Renewable energy progress report’.

Disseminated in 2015, the purpose of this report is to present the detailed 2013 situation of RES shares at EU and Member State level during a year scheduled without any country progress report.

Download the Eurobserv’ER Bridging Report