Renewables Academy AG

renacSince June 2010 RENAC is partner of the EurObserv’ER consortium. The Renewables Academy AG (RENAC), based in Berlin, Germany, is one of the leading international providers of education and training in the fields of renewable energy and energy efficiency. Since our founding in January 2008 over a thousand participants from more than 84 countries worldwide have benefited from our expertise in the technology, financing, management and market development of renewable energy and energy efficiency.

The rapid growth of the renewable energy and energy efficiency markets has led to increased demand for expertise and qualifications throughout the industry, financial institutions and policy-setting bodies. Through training and professional services, RENAC aims to propagate the necessary know-how for the growth of renewable energy and energy efficiency markets. RENAC’s courses cover the whole value chain of renewable energy technologies and are directed towards engineers and technicians but also managers, economists, finance providers, policy makers …

To provide our course participants with a thorough understanding of green energy technologies, we place a high emphasis on hands-on instruction – which takes place in the RENAC Training Center. It is equipped with PV systems, solar hot water systems, wind power systems and energy efficiency technologies. For trainings abroad RENAC can also provide a Mobile Training Center which can be transported to any location worldwide.

For further information and current seminar and course programmes, please visit :

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