+ 8.0% The growth of the solar thermal market in the European Union in 2021
In several key European Union markets the pieces seem to have fallen back into place as solar thermal has returned to growth. The sector took up the opportunities offered by more appropriate aids and benefitted from higher fossil energy and electricity prices. According to EurObserv’ER, the 2021 market returned above the 2 million m2 mark, taking all the European Union solar thermal applications together (solar hot water heating, solar, industrial and district heating). This is particularly well-timed for tackling climate change and our dependency on Russian hydrocarbons. New CSP power plant projects have been announced in pain, but their construction will be some time in coming, with the result that at the end of 2021, the European Union’s meter was stuck at 2 328.8 MW including demonstration plants. At least two power plants were commissioned elsewhere in the world, one with 110 MW and the other with 50 MW of installed capacity – hich takes global installed CSP capacity to 6 570.9 MW.
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