+ 11.9 % The growth of the solar thermal market in the European Union between 2021 and 2022
The energy crisis that is hitting Europe and worsening climate “overheating” has propelled renewable solar thermal heat encompassing all its components to centre stage, wherever it is applied in the individual and collective residential segment, district heating networks or to meet industrial heat requirements. The sector has picked up over the last two years in a much more promising context – that of the sharp rise in energy prices and the determination of the European Union countries to wean themselves off imports of Russian natural gas. According to EurObserv’ER, the solar thermal market recovery triggered in 2021 was confirmed in 2022 with 11.9% growth in the annual installed capacity figure, i.e., 1 660.7 MWth installed. This capacity equates to a collector area of almost 2.4 million m2. Only a single thermodynamic solar power plant (also known as a concentrated solar power plant) was commissioned in Europe in 2022, making it a slow year. The plant in question, the SOLINPAR CSP plant is in Italy, and takes the country’s concentrated solar power capacity to 12.4 MW and the European Union’s CSP capacity to 2 333.1 MW.
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