The state of renewable energies in Europe 20th edition KEY RESULTS

The state of renewable energies in Europe 20th edition KEY RESULTS AprilApr 06 2022 11:00 - 12:00 Europe/Paris

The webinar will present the key results on:

  • Energy indicators (renewable penetration in EU-27, RES in buildings)
  • Socio-economic indicators (jobs and turnover gross added value)
  • Renewable energy costs and energy prices
  • Avoided fossil fuel use and resulting avoided costs and GHG emissions
  • Indicators on innovation, competitiveness, and International Trade

The MS TEAMS webinar is hosted by the Fraunhofer ISI

The EurObserv’ER team invites you to join our free live webinar, featuring the main results of the recently released annual report “The State of renewable energies in Europe” (20th edition).

In this 1-hour live webinar, you will learn where the EU-27 currently stands in terms of renewable energy use.

  • Organizer of The state of renewable energies in Europe 20th edition KEY RESULTS

    Since 1998, The EurObserv’ER barometer measures the progress made by renewable energies in each sector and in each member State of the European Union in an as up-to-date way as possible (with figures less than 12 months old). EurObserv’ER produces a series of figure-backed indicators covering energetic, technological and economic dimensions.

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