TNO is the Dutch organisation for applied research and technology with a staff of approximately 3000 and active, among others, in healthy living, industrial innovation, traffic & transport, buildings & infrastructure, circular economy, energy technology, and safety & security.
The former ECN has become part of TNO since 1 April 2018. The new ECN part of TNO department is a symbiosis of all energy R&D activities of ECN and TNO, and is thereby the leading institute for energy research in the Netherlands with about 600 researchers. The research and development of ECN part of TNO contributes to transforming the current energy system into one without CO2 emissions.
ECN part of TNO includes these main innovation programmes: solar energy, wind energy, built environment, CO2-neutral industry, fuels and feedstock, system integration, and societally embedded energy transition.
In the EurObserv’ER project the Energy Transition Studies group of ECN part of TNO is involved. Energy Transition Studies focuses on the political, economic, and social aspects of energy technology implementation.